What is a TIP Challenge?
A TIP Challenge is an event hosted by the Mustang Heritage Foundation and the Wyoming Mustang Association in which you compete for cash and prizes after training an untouched mustang and/or burro. As a competitor, you have 90 days to train your animal(s) and at the end of the 90 days, you will compete with others in the TIP Challenge at Wyoming State Fair in Douglas, WY. The competition is strictly in-hand and you will compete with your horse or burro in showmanship, trail, conditioning & handling and freestyle (time to get creative!). TIP Challenges offer an adult division and a youth division so competitors of all ages can compete! Youth competitors are assigned weanlings to 2 year old's and adults are assigned animals 3 years old or older.
How Does it Work?
TIP Challenge competitor’s names will be drawn out of a hat and matched with an animal's tag number. The competition selection is randomized to ensure fairness. After selection and BEFORE paperwork is completed, competitors may trade animals among themselves if desired on the day of pick up. Competitors must be located within US borders as all animals will be assigned through adopted, not Sales Authority. Additionally, the WMA has arranged for a network of trainers to help TIP Challenge participants along the way if needed. On the day of the TIP Challenge, trainers can decide whether they want to keep their animal or auction them off (decision must be made upon or prior to check in). If decided prior to the competition, the WMA can assist in advertising your animal!Â
Why We Do It.
TIP Challenges are a wonderful way to get these amazing animals into great homes and out of the holding facilities. The horses in the Wyoming TIP Challenge are from Wyoming HMAs and the burros are from outside HMAs. Events like these give local trainers and amateurs the chance to test their skills while competing on a level playing field and bringing awareness to the breed.
Follow Along
Follow along with the Wyoming TIP Challenge competitors and their horses on the Wyoming Mustang Association Facebook page or the Wyoming TIP Challenge group!
Our trainers will be posting photos and progress updates throughout their 90 days of training. Additionally, the Wyoming Mustang Association team will share photos of the available horses and the assignment process on pick up day. Many of these horses or burros will be up for auctioned reassignment at the event conclusion!
We have some AMAZING prizes for these dedicated trainers and look forward to seeing everyone there for the competition and auction!